A vertically narrow image showing a cropped jungle.

I develop software. I've been doing it for over 10 years. I like visual stuff, functional programming and experimentation. But I also do all the rest.

## Technical expertise

Welcome! Let me tell you about what I do: I build webthings and I know a lot about its many topics. To name some, I make sure things are accessible, responsive, compatible across browsers, have good performance , secure authentication/authorization, good UX and UI design, animations and interactivity, render appropriately on the server or the client, have good SEO and the list is longer but you get the point. I also plan how everything should fit together to achieve those goals.

I work with multiple programming languages, including TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Elixir, PHP, etc.

I'm an expert in React, HTML, CSS. Really, look at this handcrafted beauty. *** Waves around profusely ***

I'm experienced in multiple domains, like data visualization, e-commerce/marketplace, arts, education, conversational UIs, audiovisual media, etc.

When it comes to React.js especifically, I've experience with all of its main frameworks, especially Next.js, Gatsby and Remix. Also, I've worked with React Native for a few years and know the ins and outs of mobile development.